Market Report

Floating solar landscape 2019

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This report covers global and regional market trends for floating solar applications and provides CAPEX estimations for these applications in certain markets. It also provides a global, regional and country-by-country forecast of annual floating solar capacity through 2024. The report includes an analysis of the market drivers for floating solar and the challenges that lie ahead, along with drivers to reduce costs for these applications.

Taxonomy of companies in floating solar market in 2019


Our Power & Renewables reports and data provide deep insight into the current and future state of electricity generation.

What's included?

  • Floating solar landscape 2019 (PDF)
  • Floating solar landscape 2019 (.xlsx)

Table of contents

  • Executive summary 
  • FPV schematic and taxonomy 
  • Global FPV market trends 
  • Regional FPV market shares and trends 
  • FPV sees challenges but has promising outlook