
GB capacity market prices highlight a tightening market: Key takeaways from the 2022 T-1 & 4 auction results

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The T-1 and T-4 Capacity Market auctions for the GB power market both cleared at record prices in recent weeks. A shortage of bidders saw the highest possible price outcome in the T-1 round whilst upcoming plant retirements are re-balancing the make-up of capacity entering the subsequent T-4 round. In short, new-build batteries and smaller, more flexible assets enjoyed significant success while existing nuclear’s share of contracted capacity continued to wane and new-build CCGTs once again failed to gain traction. How do contracted volumes and clearing prices stack-up against previous auctions? What are the storage durations of winning battery projects? And finally, what can we take away from the set of results?

Table of contents

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Capacity price by delivery year
  • Capacity awarded by supply type (all rounds to-date)
  • New-build capacity awarded by supply type (all rounds to-date)
  • Winning battery storage by duration

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    GB capacity market prices highlight a tightening market: Key takeaways from the 2022 T-1 & 4 auction results

    PDF 1.04 MB