Market Report

Global onshore wind power operations & maintenance (O&M) 2019

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About the report

Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables' Global onshore wind power operations & maintenance (O&M) 2019 report provides up-to-date analysis of key regional wind operations and maintenance markets. The report includes detailed regional outlooks in 11 leading onshore wind markets in Europe, America and Asia-Pacific. It also provides coverage of market and strategy trends, O&M opportunity volume in USD, and key market data. Our Power & Renewables reports and data provide deep insight into the current and future state of electricity generation.

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About the lead author

Daniel Liu is a Principal Analyst at Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables. He is responsible for wind and PV Operations & Maintenance research in Europe and Asia-Pacific. His particular expertise is in operations strategy, OPEX, digital technology, and asset management.

Leila Garcia is a Principal Analyst at Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables. Leila is responsible for wind and solar operation & maintenance market research for the American region within Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables.

About the service

The report is available as part of the Wind Technology, Systems & Operations Service .