Market Report

Global solar PV operations and maintenance (O&M) service provider dynamics 2023

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Wood Mackenzie's Global solar PV O&M service provider dynamics report provides an updated annual ranking of key global solar O&M vendors across regions. The report covers a total of 12 targeted countries in Europe, Middle East & Africa, Americas (broken down into Latin America and North America), and Asia-Pacific excluding China. Additionally, there are three separate rankings for the US market, where commercial, industrial and utility-scale segments are analysed separately. This year, Brazil has been included in the report for the first time. A total of 129 O&M vendors are listed in this publication, indicating their total volume (MWdc) under management and their rank regionally and globally for EOY 2022.

Table of contents

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Tables and charts

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What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Global solar PV O&M service provider dynamics 2023_PR.pdf

    PDF 2.46 MB

  • Document

    Global solar PV O&M service provider dynamics 2023_Data.xlsx

    XLSX 497.25 KB

  • Document

    Global solar PV O&M_report methodology.pdf

    PDF 654.03 KB