
Ørsted changes tack and sets a more conservative course

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We expected Ørsted would pause to take stock and go back to basics to rebuild its credibility. Its latest capital markets update shows it has done exactly that. Ørsted cut back its growth expectations to 2030 by 25-30%, lowered portfolio risk and suspended dividends. Offshore wind remains core to the strategy. It will still be substantially bigger in 2030 than it is now. But the growth ambition is, rightly, not at the break-neck speed it once hoped for. There’s also more room for flexibility in capital allocation in the event of changing market conditions.

Table of contents

Tables and charts

This report includes 3 images and tables including:

  • Ørsted’s new targets and guidance for key metrics
  • Ørsted’s gross capacity outlook to 2030
  • Short-term cashflow improvement vs previous plan: 2024-2026

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Ørsted changes tack and sets a more conservative course

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