Market Report

Southern Europe wind power outlook 2018

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This report presents the 10-year forecast for commissioned onshore wind power capacity in Southern Europe, analysing the critical policy drivers that support wind power deployment. The outlook examines the transition from feed-in-tariffs to competitive power auctions as the primary mechanism to contract renewable power capacity in Europe. The analysis reviews wind power's competitive position versus its top competitor in the region, PV. It also looks at other competing technologies in specific markets such as nuclear generation and coal-fired facilities as well as potential retirements. The primary markets of focus are Spain and Turkey, while specific sections are also included for Italy, Greece, Portugal, Serbia and Croatia. The forecast includes both bear and bulls case scenarios for wind power build out in Spain and Turkey. Our Power & Renewables reports and data provide deep insight into the current and future state of electricity generation.

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  • Document

    Southern Europe Wind Power Outlook 2018_PR.pdf

    PDF 1.65 MB