Commodity Market Report

The post-coronavirus recovery: WECC power and renewables April 2021 STO

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Power markets are generally seeing a continuing return to normal as they shake off the lingering impacts from last year: - Average daily demand in April was 5% higher than the same time last year. Cumulative average daily demand between January and April for 2021 has returned to pre-pandemic levels. - While still facing increasing amounts of coal retirement announcements, or announcements that plants will be retired sooner (one recent IRP called for an additional 4.6 GW), coal generation looks to recover from 2020 levels, aided by this year’s winter weather, higher gas prices, and the improving demand outlook. For natural gas, overall we see generation staying flat or somewhat lower than last year, due to the higher prices. - Finally, new renewable additions continue to boom, with particular concentrations in ERCOT, WECC, MISO and SPP. We expect close to 41.5 GW solar, wind and battery storage coming online in the next three years.

Table of contents

  • A step-by-step recovery

Tables and charts

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What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Short Term Outlook Delivered Fuel Prices Nominal WECC 4 24 2021.xlsx

    XLSX 101.68 KB

  • Document

    Short Term Outlook Delivered Fuel Prices Real WECC 4 24 2021.xlsx

    XLSX 136.94 KB

  • Document

    Short Term Outlook Load Forecast WECC 4 24 2021.xlsx

    XLSX 208.91 KB

  • Document

    Short Term Outlook Prices Sparks IHR Darks Nominal WECC 4 24 2021.xlsx

    XLSX 1.20 MB

  • Document

    Short Term Outlook Prices Sparks IHR Darks Real WECC 4 24 2021.xlsx

    XLSX 2.75 MB

  • Document

    Short Term Outlook Short Term Fundamentals WECC 4 24 2021.xlsx

    XLSX 462.82 KB

  • Document

    North America power and renewables - April 2021 STO_v2_PR.pdf

    PDF 1.17 MB