Asset Report

Horn River shale gas unconventional play

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

The Horn River is located in northeastern British Columbia. Driven by declining conventional western Canadian production, and the US Lower 48 commercial shale gas success, British Columbia's Horn River Basin has emerged as a large unconventional supply source. On the back of several major resource announcements, the majority of the prospective acreage in the play was licensed between 2007 and 2010. The play is located in a remote and challenging operating environment.

Table of contents

  • Commercialization overview
    • Muskwa
    • Otter Park
    • Evie
  • Upstream
  • Gas market
  • Fiscal terms
  • Leasing/permitting
  • Environment/regulation
  • Supply chain
  • Water procurement/disposal

Tables and charts

This report includes 7 images and tables including:

  • Horn River Map - CNOOC and Ovintiv have drilled most wells in the area.
  • Horn River Basin geological characteristics
  • Horn River Basin economic metrics
  • Horn River Basin type well annual production
  • Horn River Basin type well cash flow
  • Horn River Basin reserves and resources build-up

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Horn River shale gas unconventional play

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