
2019 guidance: upstream companies' capital budgets and production targets

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

Our guidance tracker is back by popular demand. The 120 companies that have announced 2019 budgets thus far will spend US$6.3 billion (2.2%) more on upstream exploration and development than in 2018. US focused companies' budgets are down 12% year-on-year. We will continue to track and publish reported guidance information throughout the reporting season. For our views, forecasts, and analysis, please refer to our financial health, investment and production growth analysis in the Corporate Benchmarking Tool and related Insight reports from our Corporate and Upstream research teams, such as Corporate themes: 5 things to look for in 2019 and Global Upstream: 5 things to look for in 2019.

Table of contents

  • Capital budgets
  • Production guidance

Tables and charts

This report includes 4 images and tables including:

  • Corporate Service: 2018-2019 change in upstream capital budgets (%)
  • Upstream Service: 2018-2019 change in upstream capital budgets (%)
  • Corporate Service: 2018-2019 change in production (%)
  • Upstream Service: 2018-2019 change in production (%)

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    2019 Guidance_4 April 2019.xlsm

    XLSM 604.35 KB

  • Document

    2019 guidance: upstream companies' capital budgets and production targets

    PDF 1.24 MB