Country Report

Afghanistan upstream summary

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The Taliban's return to power in 2021 cast significant uncertainty on the oil and gas outlook. Even before this, plans for upstream production growth faced multiple technical, commercial and above-ground challenges. Despite ambitious plans since the 2000s, Afghanistan's current oil and gas production is very minor. Security concerns and political instability are chronic issues. Gas-to-power has been the recent strategic priority. Almost all of Afghanistan's existing discoveries are in the north of the country – in the Amu Darya basin that is prolific in neighbouring Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Afghanistan held five licensing rounds in 2009-14, but only three PSCs were signed. The most recent tender was in 2014 – for the large Totimaidan block near the Turkmenistan border, including the undeveloped Juma and Bashikurd sour gas fields. Despite announcement of a winning bid, the PSC was never signed.

Table of contents

  • Executive summary
  • Key facts
  • Location maps
    • Current status
    • International investors
      • Current
      • Previous
    • Local companies
      • Current
      • Previous
      • Previous potential entrants
    • Other energy sector participants (to 2021)
    • Overview
      • Oil
      • Gas
    • Amu Darya basin
      • Kushka sub-basin
      • Stratigraphy
    • Afghan-Tajik basin
      • Stratigraphy
    • Other basins
      • Farah basin
      • Helmand basin
      • Baluchistan-Urgun foldbelt (Katawaz basin)
    • Licensing
    • Overview
      • Current status
      • Recent licensing efforts (pre-2021)
    • Potential future licensing rounds
      • Amu Darya basin
      • Afghan-Tajik basin
      • Others
    • Previous licensing rounds
      • 1) 2009 Amu Darya basin oil and gas tender
      • 2) 2011 Amu Darya basin oil tender
      • 3) 2012 Afghan-Tajik basin Phase I tender
      • 4) 2014 Afghan-Tajik basin Phase II tender
      • 5) 2014 Amu Darya basin (Totimaidan) tender
    • Drilling
      • Drilling activity
    • Historical exploration
    • Amu Darya basin
      • Initial exploration (pre-1970)
      • Further exploration (1970-80s)
    • Afghan-Tajik basin
    • Other basins
      • Tirpul sub-basin
      • Helmand basin
      • Katawaz basin
    • Recent and future exploration (2010 onwards)
      • Current status
      • Typical licence commitments (pre-2021)
    • Amu Darya basin
      • Amu Darya Oil Project (CAPEIC)
      • Totimaidan block
    • Afghan-Tajik basin
      • Sanduqli and Mazar-i-Sharif blocks (Dragon Oil, TPAO and Ghazanfar Group)
    • Oil
      • Amu Darya basin
      • Farah basin
    • Gas
      • Amu Darya basin
    • Prospective resources
      • Amu Darya and Afghan-Tajik basins
      • Other basins
    • Overview
      • Current status
    • Liquids
      • Amu Darya Oil Project
    • Gas
      • Overview
      • Khwaja Gogerdaq, Jarquduk and Yatimtaq
      • Juma-Bashikurd (contingent resource upside)
    • Introduction
      • Electricity imports
      • Current political context
    • Oil infrastructure
    • Pipelines
    • Rail infrastructure
      • Afghanistan-Uzbekistan
      • Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Tajikistan (TAT)
      • Uzbekistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan (UAP)
    • Refineries
      • Mini-refineries (topping plants)
      • Previous proposals for large-scale refinery
    • Gas infrastructure
    • Pipelines
      • Historical (pre-1991) - exports to Soviet Union
      • Current - pipeline to Mazar-i-Sharif
      • Planned - Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline
    • Gas-feed infrastructure
      • Northern Fertiliser and Power Plant (NFPP)
      • Independent power plants (IPPs)
    • Key legislation
    • Current political context
    • Hydrocarbons Law
      • Current law (December 2017)
      • Initial law (January 2009)
    • Other key legislation
    • Local content
    • Regulatory body
    • Overview
      • Previous reforms
      • Capacity building
    • Afghanistan Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (AOGRA)
      • Structure
      • Priorities
    • Ministry of Mines and Petroleum (MoMP)
      • Reforms
      • Recent role
    • State oil company
    • Afghan Gas Enterprise (AGE)
      • Overview
      • Reform plans
    • Afghanistan Fuel and Liquid Gas Enterprise (AFLGE)
      • Overview
      • Reform plans
    • Overview
      • Current political context
      • Model contract
      • Contract awards to date
    • Current fiscal terms
    • Amu Darya Oil Project PSC (2011-18)
      • State equity participation
      • Bonuses, rentals and fees
      • Royalty and other production taxes
      • Indirect taxes
      • Environmental / CO2 taxes
      • Domestic market obligation (DMO)
      • Cost recovery
      • Profit sharing
      • Contractor revenue entitlement
      • Liquids pricing - the formula price
      • Gas pricing
      • Corporate income tax (CIT)
      • Additional profit taxes
      • Fiscal/contractual ring fences
      • Dividend withholding tax
      • Abandonment provisions
    • Afghan-Tajik basin PSCs (2013 onwards)
      • Adjustments from 2011 PSC
    • Sample cash flow

Tables and charts

This report includes 32 images and tables including:

  • Key facts: Table 1
  • Country map
  • Liquids and Gas Production 2023
  • Reserves and contingent resources at 01/01/2024
  • Net Acreage 2024
  • Existing and planned gas pipelines
  • Fiscal terms: Table 3
  • Afghanistan: basin map
  • Afghanistan: blocks map
  • Award date of active blocks
  • Exploration: Table 1
  • Exploration: Table 2
  • Exploration: Table 3
  • Exploration: Table 4
  • Exploration: Table 5
  • Reserves
  • Liquids and gas reserves
  • Contingent resources
  • Production: Table 1
  • Production: Table 2
  • Liquids production
  • Production: Table 3
  • Production: Table 4
  • Production: Table 5
  • Production: Table 6
  • Gas production
  • Production: Table 7
  • Production: Table 8
  • Infrastructure: Table 1
  • Infrastructure: Table 2
  • Fiscal terms: Table 1
  • Fiscal terms: Table 2

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Country Overview

    PDF 11.56 MB

  • Document

    Country Overview

    XLS 922.50 KB