Deal Insight

BP exits Alaska with US$5.6 billion sale to Hilcorp

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*********UPDATE: 27 April 2020*********************BP announced revisions to the terms of its Alaska disposal to Hilcorp. The total consideration for the sale remains unchanged at US$5.6 billion but the structure of the consideration and phasing of payments has been modified. Under the original terms, Hilcorp was to pay BP US$4.0 billion near-term and US$1.6 billion through a subsequent earnout (we estimated this would be paid by 2022 under our previous base case). A US$500 million deposit ...

Table of contents

  • Executive summary
  • Transaction details
  • Upstream assets
  • Deal analysis
  • Upsides and risks
    • Hilcorp
    • BP
  • Oil & gas pricing and assumptions

Tables and charts

This report includes 8 images and tables including:

  • Executive summary: Table 1
  • North Slope map
  • Upstream assets: Table 1
  • Deal analysis: Table 1
  • Deal analysis: Table 2
  • Deal analysis: Table 3
  • Oil & gas pricing and assumptions: Table 1
  • Oil & gas pricing and assumptions: Table 2

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    BP exits Alaska with US$5.6 billion sale to Hilcorp

    PDF 4.31 MB