
BP: final court approval ends Deepwater Horizon uncertainty

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With US court approval of the proposed Consent Decree, the July 2015 agreement BP reached to settle all federal and state claims for up to US$18.7 billion is now effective. The ruling marks the end of material regulatory and financial uncertainties for BP related to the Deepwater Horizon incident, with only the final Plaintiff Steering Committee payments to agree. Confirmation of the remaining financial liability for Deepwater Horizon will allow BP to fully focus on adapting to a 'lower for longer' price environment. We have identified the company's top three strategic drivers.

Table of contents

  • BP: final court approval ends Deepwater Horizon uncertainty

Tables and charts

This report includes 1 images and tables including:

  • Benchmarking: gas production outlook

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    BP: final court approval ends Deepwater Horizon uncertainty

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