
Brazil/Argentina corporate research trip takeaways: world-class resources and growing interest

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We have recently returned from a corporate research trip to Brazil and Argentina, where we met with the key E&Ps, regulatory bodies, and media. Both countries have suffered their fair share of above-ground issues in recent times, but are blessed with world-class opportunities in the form of Brazil's pre-salt (the world's best deepwater oil play) and Argentina's Vaca Muerta (one of the world's most promising shale plays). We outline the key takeaways from our discussions.

Table of contents

  • How competitive is Brazil's pre-salt and Argentina's Vaca Muerta vs. US tight oil?
  • Who are the likely investors in Brazil and Argentina?
  • Petrobras' divestment programme may slow
  • Service sector and infrastructure constraints may hamper the pace of growth

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    Brazil/Argentina corporate research trip takeaways: world-class resources and growing interest

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