
Decarbonisation dominoes: what it means for oil and gas companies

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Shell, Chevron and ExxonMobil are still calibrating their responses to the events of 26 May. But the successful stakeholder initiatives are a wake-up call for the entire oil and gas corporate sector (and beyond). Board rooms across the global industry will already be reviewing strategy and targets. What’s needed to trigger a decarbonisation domino effect? Government policy, stakeholder pressure, technological breakthroughs and shifting market sentiment are the principal drivers that could speed up change. Corporate behaviour will be a key indicator of the pace of travel. We take a look at the catalysts for change and implications for oil and gas companies.

Table of contents

  • Executive Summary
  • A wake-up call for the corporate sector
    • 1. Will governments start to walk the talk?
    • 2. Stakeholder pressure is ratcheting up
    • 3. Technological breakthroughs
    • 4 . Shifting market sentiment
    • 5. Capital allocation
    • 6 . Decarbonisation targets and enhanced disclosure
    • 1. Re-evaluating the Big Oil business model
    • 2. The ripple effect
    • 3. Divestment dilemma
    • 4. More soft disposals
    • 5. NOCs grab market share

Tables and charts

This report includes 3 images and tables including:

  • Premium/discount to Wood Mackenzie’s base-case valuation

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Decarbonisation dominoes: what it means for oil and gas companies

    PDF 1.10 MB