
Decommissioning Asia-Pacific: 600 fields on the front-line

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

Wood Mackenzie sheds light on the wave of decommissioning due to hit Asia-Pacific: Decommissioning in Asia-Pacific is a massive challenge – over 600 fields could cease production over the next decade, the majority offshore The first wave will hit Indonesia, Australia, Malaysia and China. NOCs and Majors will be on the front line Many offshore installations are still operating beyond their designed lifespan. The lack of clear regulatory guidance in many countries has delayed end-of-life activities The lack of legislation means timing and cost estimates remain highly uncertain. Governments are becoming more aware of the need to provide clarity Service sector responsiveness, oil price, cost management and environmental considerations will be key factors influencing the pace of decommissioning

Table of contents

  • Decommissioning Asia-Pacific: 600 fields on the front-line

Tables and charts

This report includes 13 images and tables including:

  • Decommissioning Asia-Pacific: 600 fields on the front-line: Image 1
  • Decommissioning Asia-Pacific: 600 fields on the front-line: Image 2
  • Decommissioning Asia-Pacific: 600 fields on the front-line: Image 3
  • Decommissioning Asia-Pacific: 600 fields on the front-line: Image 4
  • Decommissioning Asia-Pacific: 600 fields on the front-line: Image 5
  • Decommissioning Asia-Pacific: 600 fields on the front-line: Image 6
  • Decommissioning Asia-Pacific: 600 fields on the front-line: Image 7
  • Decommissioning Asia-Pacific: 600 fields on the front-line: Image 8
  • Decommissioning Asia-Pacific: 600 fields on the front-line: Image 9
  • Decommissioning Asia-Pacific: 600 fields on the front-line: Image 10
  • Decommissioning Asia-Pacific: 600 fields on the front-line: Image 11
  • Decommissioning Asia-Pacific: 600 fields on the front-line: Image 12
  • Decommissioning Asia-Pacific: 600 fields on the front-line: Image 13

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Decommissioning Asia-Pacific - 600 fields on the front-line.pdf

    PDF 1.25 MB