
ESG in the Lower 48

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We’re still in the early days of ESG adoption in the Lower 48, but the need to define and adhere to best practices is accelerating at a fever pitch. We view ESG as a movement not a fad. It’s here to stay. We expect the Majors and largest Independents to lead the way, setting the standard for how operations – particularly in the Permian – change. Investors will take note and the shale industry will self-regulate from within. Many upstream tight oil players are fighting to remain investable and ESG compliance is a big piece of that puzzle.

Table of contents

  • Executive summary
  • ESG has come home to the Lower 48
  • Focus on the ‘E’ in ESG
    • What companies are leading this?
    • What does successful ESG look like?
    • What does ESG mean for costs?
  • Conclusion

Tables and charts

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What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    ESG in the Lower 48

    PDF 741.83 KB