
How does Russian gas get to markets and where does it come from?

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What’s inside this report?

An in-depth look at Russia’s gas infrastructure and routes to market.

This is the first insight in a series on Russian gas. Look out for our next report where we consider Gazprom’s options for marketing future supply: will it go for pipelines or LNG?

Why buy this report?

Capitalising on Russia’s vast – and often remote – gas reserves poses technical and logistical challenges. Read our report for insight into today’s infrastructure and to understand:

  • How does Russian gas get to markets in Europe and Asia and how will that evolve over the short-to-medium term?
  • What are the costs of building export pipelines and LNG plants in Russia?
  • Where are the future production hotspots for Russian gas?

This report includes maps of Russian gas fields, such as this one, and schematic charts showing routes to market.

Russia's gas supply to Europe has been reliably provided by Gazprom for several decades. The company has made this possible by investing in gas resources in remote regions and building long-distance pipelines to market. More recently, the company has been focused on establishing new pipeline routes to Europe. It is repeating this pipeline-focused approach in East Siberia to tap the growing Chinese market. Gazprom helped deliver Russia's first LNG plant in Sakhalin, but NOVATEK has led the way in developing LNG capacity in the Russian Arctic. Read our insight to see what Russian gas infrastructure looks like today in schematic form and understand: How is Russian gas supplied to Europe and Asia and how will that evolve over the short-to-medium term? What are the costs of building export pipelines and LNG plants in Russia? What are the future production hotspots for Russian gas? This is a scene-setter for an upcoming insight on what could happen next to get Russian gas to market.

Table of contents

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Tables and charts

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What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    How does Russian gas get to markets and where does it come from.pdf

    PDF 1.46 MB