Jordan upstream summary
*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below
Report summary
Table of contents
- Executive summary
- Key facts
- Location maps
Key companies
- Conventional oil and gas
- Shale oil
Tectonic setting and regional stratigraphy
- Palaeozoic section
- Mesozoic section
- Tertiary section
- Prospective oil and gas basins
Al Jafr Basin
- Structures
- Reservoirs
- Source rocks
Azraq Basin
- Structures
- Reservoirs
- Source rocks
Risha Basin
- Structures
- Reservoirs
- Source rocks
Sirhan Basin
- Structures
- Reservoirs
- Source rocks
Dead Sea Basin
- Structures
- Reservoirs
- Source rocks
Surface hydrocarbon occurrences
- Oil seeps
- Tar sands
- Oil shales
Tectonic setting and regional stratigraphy
- 2014 Bid Round
- Oil shale licensing
- Drilling activity
- Success rates
Reserves and resources
- Oil and Gas
- Oil Shale
- Oil/liquids
- Gas
- Introduction
Oil infrastructure
- Trans Arabian Pipeline (Tapline)
- Potential pipelines
- Refining facilities
- Gas infrastructure
- Israel - Jordan pipeline
Arab Gas Pipeline
- Phase I: Egypt to Jordan
- Phase II: Jordan to Syria
- Phase III: Syria to Turkey
- Risha
- Jordan LNG Project
Policy and regulation
- Key legislation
Regulatory body
- The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR)
- National Resources Authority (NRA)
- Jordan Petroleum Refinery Company (JPRC)
- State oil company
- State participation
- Licensing
Fiscal terms
- Upstream
- Mid/Downstream
- Oil Shale
- Current fiscal terms
Production Sharing Agreement (PSA)
- State equity participation
- Bonuses, rentals and fees
- Contractor Revenue Entitlement
- Liquids Pricing
- PSA cost recovery
- PSA Profit Sharing
- Corporate (or Petroleum) Income Tax
Tables and charts
This report includes 17 images and tables including:
- Key facts: Table 1
- Country Map
- Net Acreage 2024
- Exploration: Table 1
- Exploration: Table 2
- Oil Shale concession areas
- Reserves and resources: Table 1
- Liquids Production
- Production: Table 1
- Production: Table 2
- Gas Production
- Jordan Infrastructure Map
- Infrastructure: Table 2
- Sedimentary basins of Jordan
- Jordan block map
- Drilling Activity and Commercial Success Rates
- Infrastructure: Table 1
What's included
This report contains:
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