Nigerian lawmakers vote to increase deepwater royalties
*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below
Report summary
Table of contents
- Executive Summary
- Surprisingly rapid legislative passage
Senate Bill 21
- What about deepwater PSAs?
Economic impact
- Impact by OML
- Impact on Pre-FID projects
- Contract renewal brings additional risks
Nigeria's declining deepwater competitiveness
- Fiscal competitiveness
- Cost competitiveness
- Nigeria bucks the trend towards fiscal incentives in West Africa
- Conclusion
Tables and charts
This report includes the following images and tables:
- Process for passing bills through National Assembly
- Comparison of SB 21 amendment with current DOIBPSC terms by OML
- Comparison of SB 21 amendment with current DOIBPSC terms for Bonga SW
- Comparison of SB 21 amendment with current DOIBPSC terms for Owowo
- International comparison of state share by deepwater fiscal regime
- Pre-FID deepwater stand-alone project breakevens by country
What's included
This report contains: