
Pemex financial health: reasoning and impact on recent hydrocarbon duty government aid

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Despite government aid and a renewed strategy aimed at stabilising production and financials (kickstarted back in 2019), Pemex struggled to meet its ambitious targets. Operational setbacks and underperforming projects were large culprits. Fiscal reforms, including reductions in the ordinary hydrocarbon duty (OHD), were delivered and have alleviated some financial struggles but have not fully solved Pemex’s financial predicament. But, in spite of some improvements, further action is required to return the Mexican NOC to self-sufficiency.

Table of contents

    • Pemex objectives
    • Government fiscal aid impact
    • Pemex’s corporate strategy

Tables and charts

This report includes 4 images and tables including:

  • Pemex production and business plan objectives 2014-2023
  • Ordinary hydrocarbon duty rate vs Pemex share of pre-share cash flow
  • Impact on PEMEX concessions
  • Impact of ordinary hydrocarbon duty changes on net cashflow

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Pemex financial health: reasoning and impact on recent hydrocarbon duty government aid

    PDF 1.03 MB