
Petroleum fiscal and licensing month in brief: Iraq's new terms published

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The petroleum fiscal and licensing month in brief will keep you up to date with fiscal system changes and licensing rounds with biddable fiscal terms. Read our report this month to discover: Who has reduced taxes on unconventional gas? What were the fiscal bids in the 5th Iraqi licensing round? Where have new fiscal systems been introduced ahead of new licensing rounds? When will we see new Profit tax legislation in the US and Russia?

Table of contents

  • Changes to fiscal terms: existing assets
  • Changes to fiscal terms: new licences
  • Notable developments in ongoing fiscal discussions
  • Licensing round highlights
    • Price assumptions
    • Production assumptions
    • Cost assumptions

Tables and charts

This report includes 3 images and tables including:

  • China (Concession): Resource Tax reduction for shale
  • Iraq: 5th round winning bids
  • Ongoing licensing rounds

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document


    XLS 292.50 KB

  • Document

    UpstreamLicensingRounds_April 2018.xls

    XLS 630.50 KB

  • Document

    Petroleum fiscal and licensing month in brief: Iraq's new terms published

    PDF 1.93 MB