Asset Report


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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

Pinaúna is a small oil field located offshore in the Camamu-Almada Basin. Given its small size, waxy oil and lack of environmental permission for development by IBAMA, we classify Pinaúna as a contingent technical field. In July 2011, the ANP approved the development plan for Pinaúna. However, in September 2011, the environmental regulatory agency IBAMA denied EP Energy's application for a licence to explore the block due to insufficient details on how to minimise ...

Table of contents

  • Summary
    • IBAMA's environmental permit denial
  • History
  • Local content
  • Commitments
  • Drilling

Tables and charts

This report includes 7 images and tables including:

  • Field Hydrocarbon Characteristics
  • Contingent Resources (2C) at 01/01/2024
  • Index Map
  • Detail Map
  • Current participation

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document


    PDF 1.38 MB