Country Report

Poland upstream summary

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Central and Eastern Europe's third-largest producer - Poland has a rich upstream history and has produced oil and gas for over 150 years. Despite the sector's maturity, liquids production has quadrupled since 2000, and output is expected to grow in the near term. This will be fuelled by the ramp-up of LOTOS Petrobaltic's offshore Baltic Sea fields and Orlen's onshore operations.Poland has restructured its state energy companies - In 2022, Orlen completed the acquisitions of ...

Table of contents

  • Executive summary
  • Key facts
  • Location maps
    • State-backed companies
      • Overview
      • State company consolidation
    • Other companies
      • Offshore
      • Onshore
    • Introduction
    • Key onshore basins
    • Carpathians
      • Carpathian foredeep
      • Carpathian flysch
    • Polish lowlands
      • East European platform
      • West European platform
      • Coalbed methane (CBM)
    • Licensing
      • Overview
    • Key recent licensing
      • Current/future conventional licensing rounds:
      • Previous conventional licensing rounds:
      • Unconventional licensing rounds
    • Drilling
      • Drilling activity
    • Overview
    • Onshore - key recent and future conventional E&A activity
    • Offshore - key recent and future conventional E&A activity
      • Baltic Sea
    • Historical conventional E&A activity
      • Onshore
      • Offshore (Baltic Sea)
    • Unconventional E&A activity
      • Current status
      • Historical activity
    • Reserves
    • Liquids
      • Historical production
      • Future production
    • Gas
      • Historical production
      • Future production
    • Oil infrastructure
      • Overview
      • Key import and transit pipelines
      • Key offshore pipelines
    • Refineries
    • Gas infrastructure
      • Overview
      • Underground gas storage (UGS)
      • Key import and transit pipelines
      • Onshore transmission system
      • Key offshore pipelines
    • LNG import terminals
    • Introduction
    • Capital costs
      • Capital expenditure by location
    • Operating costs
      • Operating expenditure by location
    • Key legislation
      • Energy Law (1997)
      • Environmental Protection Law (2001)
      • Reserves of Crude Oil, Petroleum Products and Natural Gas Law (2007)
      • Geological and Mining Law (2011)
    • Regulatory body
    • State oil company
      • Orlen
    • Licensing
      • Mining usufruct agreement
      • Concessions
    • Overview
      • Upstream
      • Midstream and downstream
    • Current fiscal terms
    • Concessions
      • State equity participation
      • Bonuses, rentals and fees
      • Royalty
      • Extraction tax
      • Other production taxes
      • Corporate Income Tax (CIT)
      • Additional profit taxes
      • Indirect taxes
      • Sample cash flow

Tables and charts

This report includes 36 images and tables including:

  • Key facts: Table 1
  • Country map
  • Poland - sedimentary basins
  • Poland - shale gas basins
  • Poland - E&A drilling activity
  • Poland - liquid and gas reserves
  • Reserves and resources: Table 1
  • Reserves and resources: Table 2
  • Contingent resources
  • Key liquids infrastructure
  • Key gas infrastructure
  • Reserves and contingent resources at 01/01/2024
  • Liquids and Gas Production 2023
  • Net Acreage 2024
  • Poland - licensing activity
  • Poland - active blocks and current/upcoming licensing rounds
  • Liquid production
  • Production: Table 1
  • Production: Table 2
  • Production: Table 3
  • Production: Table 4
  • Gas production
  • Production: Table 5
  • Production: Table 6
  • Production: Table 7
  • Production: Table 8
  • Infrastructure: Table 1
  • Infrastructure: Table 2
  • Costs: Table 1
  • Costs: Table 2
  • Costs: Table 3
  • Costs: Table 4
  • Fiscal terms: Table 1
  • Fiscal terms: Table 2
  • Fiscal terms: Table 3
  • Fiscal terms: Table 4

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Country Overview

    PDF 21.88 MB

  • Document

    Country Overview

    XLS 876.00 KB