Asset Report

Sangachal Terminal

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The BP-operated Sangachal Terminal is one of the world's largest integrated oil and gas processing complexes. It is located 55 kilometres southwest of Baku and is a strategic hub for both Azerbaijan and the wider Caspian region.The terminal receives production from Azerbaijan's two key offshore projects: oil and gas from the Azeri Chirag Guneshli (ACG) field and gas and condensate from the Shah Deniz field. Sangachal also serves as a transit point for Central Asian crude.After ...

Table of contents

  • Key facts
    • Summary
    • Key issues
  • Location maps
  • Participation
    • Oil
      • Early Oil Project (EOP)
      • Sangachal Terminal Expansion Programme (STEP)
    • Gas
      • ACG associated gas
      • Shah Deniz gas
    • Monoethylene Glycol (MEG)
  • Throughput
    • Export routes

Tables and charts

This report includes 7 images and tables including:

  • Key facts: Table 1
  • Sangachal Terminal map
  • Participation: Table 1
  • Sangachal gas terminal
  • Gas throughput profile
  • Sangachal liquids terminal
  • Sangachal Terminal - a key hub

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Sangachal Terminal

    PDF 1.87 MB

  • Document

    Sangachal Terminal

    XLS 218.50 KB