Asset Report

South Africa other fields (sub-commercial)

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

Data on fields we classify as sub-commercial are available below. Sub-commercial fields contain hydrocarbons that are discovered, recoverable and remaining but are not currently considered commercial due to one or more contingencies. Such non-viable fields are not expected to be developed under the current pricing and technology conditions. We do not include an associated valuation.

Table of contents

  • Summary and key issues
  • Location maps
    • Block 1
    • Block 2B
    • Block 9
    • Block 11a

Tables and charts

This report includes 14 images and tables including:

  • Summary and key issues: Table 1
  • West Coast Map
  • South Coast Map
  • Discoveries: Table 1
  • Discoveries: Table 2
  • Discoveries: Table 3
  • Discoveries: Table 4
  • Discoveries: Table 5
  • Discoveries: Table 6
  • Discoveries: Table 7
  • Discoveries: Table 8
  • Discoveries: Table 9
  • Discoveries: Table 10
  • Discoveries: Table 11

What's included

This report contains: