Country Report

South Africa upstream fiscal summary

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

Concession-based fiscal regime. The state has the option to participate in upstream developments, through PetroSA, with an interest of up to 10%. There is also a maximum 10% farm-in provision for Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) companies at pre-defined commercial terms. Relatively straightforward royalty/tax system although the mechanics of the royalty calculation are unusual compared to most petroleum fiscal systems. Licences are typically awarded on an ad-hoc basis and the vast majority of the active blocks were awarded through direct negotiations.

Table of contents

  • Basis
  • Licence terms
  • Government equity participation
    • Bonuses, rentals and fees
    • Indirect taxes
    • Royalty
    • Ring fencing
    • Base
    • Rate
    • Payment schedule
    • Corporate income tax
    • Ring fencing
    • Base
    • Rate
    • Payment schedule
    • Product pricing
    • Summary of modelled terms
  • Recent history of fiscal changes
  • Stability provisions
  • Split of the barrel and share of profit
  • Effective royalty rate and maximum government share
  • Progressivity
  • Fiscal deterrence

Tables and charts

This report includes 15 images and tables including:

  • Timeline
  • Timeline details
  • Split of the barrel - oil
  • Split of the barrel - gas
  • Share of profit - oil
  • Share of profit - gas
  • Effective royalty rate and minimum state share
  • Maximum government share and maximum state share
  • State share versus Pre-Share IRR – oil
  • State share versus Pre-Share IRR - gas
  • Investor IRR versus Pre-Share IRR - oil
  • Investor IRR versus Pre-Share IRR - gas
  • Bonuses, rentals and fees
  • Indirect taxes
  • Assumed terms by location

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    South Africa upstream fiscal summary

    PDF 1.07 MB