
US GoM decarbonisation: a basin with nine lives, is CCS a tenth?

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Carbon capture and storage (CCS) will be instrumental to help the US reach its greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. The Gulf Coast and US GoM regions which are no stranger to reinvention will be influential to reach this target. There are multiple sources of carbon emissions and corporations are gearing up for the challenge. Companies like Chevron, ExxonMobil, and Talos Energy are stepping up as the early innovators in GoM CCS. Now, can they execute in time? Our analysis focuses on a few of the many technical and regulatory components that will need to be sorted before the US GoM can become the next large-scale sequestration hub.

Table of contents

    • Why CCS, why here, and why now
    • Diverging corporate strategies
    • Talos Energy
    • ExxonMobil
    • Repsol and Carbon-Zero
    • Occidental
    • Others
    • What needs to be done
    • Market
    • Regulatory
    • Workforce
    • The CO 2 highway
    • Subsurface
  • Renaissance is progressing forward

Tables and charts

This report includes 7 images and tables including:

  • US GoM risk ranking
  • Global CCS projects by US GoM public companies
  • US GoM company innovation adoption ranking
  • Gulf Coast and GoM CCS projects, sources of emissions, and reservoirs
  • US GoM shelf active pipelines
  • US GoM shelf map with blocks coloured by operator
  • Top reservoirs by CO2 storage capacity

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    US GoM decarbonisation: a basin with nine lives, is CCS a tenth?

    PDF 4.32 MB