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Commodity Market Report

Oil market strengthened due to lower-than-expected crude inventories in the US. US crude oil production was recovering from Hurricane Ida while pro...


Under the current Mexican mandate, a goal has been set to achieve fuel self-sufficiency in terms of reducing refined product imports, mainly gasoli...


China is likely to deny approvals for new oil refinery projects if their transport fuel yield exceeds 40 per cent, as part of the government’s late...

Commodity Market Report

The excel files associated with this report provide a mid-month update to our short-term products prices and margins forecasts. Prices and margins ...

Commodity Market Report

The oil market edged down as oil production gradually returned after Hurricane Ida. North Sea Dated crude’s weekly average fell by US$0.77/bbl to U...

Commodity Market Report

This monthly update incorporates four global commodity market reports; Global refining, Global light ends & gasoline, Global middle distillate, and...

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