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Commodity Market Report

For the week commencing 4th April, refining margins weakened for all regions except on the USGC. Brent prices continued to fall on a weekly basis, ...

Commodity Market Report

For the week commencing 26 February, refinery margins weakened in the west because of stronger crude prices, which were not fully passed through to...

Commodity Market Report

The oil market moved higher in the second half of last week, further extending the increases of the previous weeks, as OPEC+ confounded market expe...

Commodity Market Report

The oil market maintained the previous weeks gains. North Sea Dated crude’s weekly average rose by US$1.21/bbl to US$66.67/bbl – a six week high. P...

Commodity Market Report

For the week commencing 18 June, weekly average crude prices trended lower for most global benchmarks. The weekly average Dated Brent price fell fo...


Saudi Arabia has so far been able to defend its market in Asia, a region which provides the highest netback for its crude. The stakes remain high t...

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