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ELNG - ELNG Train 1 Commercial Overview
The ELNG Train 1 project in Egypt is a 1-train LNG development operated by ELNG Operating Company. The ELNG Train 1 commercial overview outlines th...
ELNG - ELNG Train 2 Commercial Overview
The ELNG Train 2 project in Egypt is a 1-train LNG development operated by ELNG Operating Company. The ELNG Train 2commercial overview outlines the...
Pecém - LNG regas terminal
Pecém was the first regas terminal to be built in Brazil and is located in the country's dry northeast region - over 1,000 km away from the hydro-r...
Peru LNG - Commercial Overview
The Peru LNG project in Peru is a 1-train LNG development operated by Hunt oil. The Peru LNG commercial overview outlines the project development a...
New LNG Supply - how will it be affected by changing investment priorities
Delivered at our Global Energy Summit – Focus Week: Gas & LNG, on 5 October 2021, this presentation focuses on the dilemmas faced by investors in n...
Pacific Northwest LNG - Prince Rupert Gas Transmission
New pipeline facilities will be constructed to deliver gas from the North Montney to the planned Pacific Northwest LNG terminal on Lelu Island on t...
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