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Ares (Closed) gold mine
Ares operated between 1998 and 2014 producing 1.8Moz of gold (110kz/a). Production was from an underground mine with ore treated in a 280kt/a capac...
Aroaima bauxite mine
UC Rusal's off take supplies the Nikolaev refinery in the Ukraine. The bauxite has high alumina content and moderate reactive silica. Wood Mackenzi...
Kalgoorlie - Mt. Percy (Closed) gold mine
Western Australian gold mines are subject to a 1.25% state royalty from mid-1998. The royalty will increase to 2.5% from mid-2000, providing the go...
Balcooma (Thalanga) (closed) zinc mine
The accompanying analysis considers the operation of Kagara's Thalanga polymetallic circuit and the Vomacka open pit mine up to their suspension in...
Balcooma (Thalanga) copper mine
The accompanying analysis considers the operation of Kagara's Thalanga polymetallic circuit and the Vomacka open pit mine up to their suspension in...
Beal Mountain (Closed) gold mine
The minesite is at an elevation of around 7,000ft. The mining operation is seasonal, closing down over the winter months. Wood Mackenzie’s asset re...
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