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Syrian Gas Company operated assets
Wood Mackenzie has suspended its analysis of Syria due to the ongoing civil war and the lack of reliable information on the state of the oil and ga...
Enerplus Saskatchewan
Established in 1986, Enerplus Resources Fund was Canada's oldest oil and natural gas income trust. The trust acquired, operated and exploited crude...
South Hood (Block 47)
The South Hood Block is located primarily on the South Hadhramout Arch, which forms the southern boundary to the Say'un-Al Masila Basin. After init...
ADMA-OPCO Contract Area
The Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company (ADMA-OPCO) operates four light sour crude producing fields; Umm Shaif, Lower Zakum, Umm al Lulu, and Nasr. ...
Nexen Saskatchewan
Nexen was acquired by CNOOC in February 2013. However, at least in the short term, we expect Nexen will continue to operate as before.The company's...
Bonavista Energy Saskatchewan
Bonavista Energy Corporation is a Calgary-based oil and gas E&P company. The company's most significant production zones are the Glauconite, Spirit...
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