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Coronavirus impact briefing: week ending 8 May
Welcome to week five of our coronavirus impact briefing. In this regular report, we combine the expertise of our sister company AIR in global pande...
Hurricane Laura’s Impact on US Olefins
Hurricane Laura made landfall in southwest Louisiana early on the morning of Thursday, August 27th. 25% of US ethylene capacity and 6% of global et...
How less competitive polyethylene assets will manage the demand shock
We previously examined how the pandemic response across end-use sectors has affected demand for different polymers. In this insight, we will furthe...
European ethylene: 2017 production hits highest level in a decade
Full year 2017 ethylene production statistics have recently been released by Petrochemicals Europe (formerly APPE) for the European (EU15+Norway) r...
European MEG anti-dumping duties finalised
The European Commission has announced final dumping duties on US and Saudi MEG imports and published the Official Journal of the European Union on ...
European propylene to 2020: going with the flow?
Our analysis indicates that 2017 is an important year in terms of increase in European (EU15+Norway) propylene monomer net imports, with net import...
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