LNG outlook reports

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LNG outlook reports


Global LNG supply tracker Q3 2019: more supply to come, but growth is slowing down

LNG supply growth in Q2 was the highest year-on-year increase since 2010. This contributed to the oversupply situation and to global gas prices dro...


Global LNG supply tracker: bumper winter send out expected

Global LNG production grew by 3.3 Mt in Q3 16 to 66Mt. Ramp up of new trains at Sabine Pass in the US plus GLNG and Gorgon in Australia, increased ...

Commodity Market Report

Global metallurgical coal long-term outlook H1 2019: Walking the tightrope: Can India provide balance as China transitions

With the great energy transition yet to promise much in the way of a threat to metallurgical coal demand, the future can be viewed with comparative...

Commodity Market Report

Global metallurgical coal long-term outlook H2 2018: Challenge for supply as demand grows

Robin Griffin

Seaborne met coal prices have been buoyed by changes in Chinese steel and coal. The Chinese steel industry has trimmed much excess capacity, leadin...


Global metallurgical coal outlook - Risks H1 2020

In this insight we explore the impact on our H1 2020 base case price of specific cases around supply and demand of met coal. In our high case we lo...

Commodity Market Report

Global metallurgical coal short-term outlook August 2020: China’s continuation of import restrictions forces prices lower

China effectively turned off the seaborne demand tap this month. Spot cargo sales to China dropped to a trickle as strictly enforced import rules w...

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