Global exchange rate outlook reports
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Global exchange rate outlook reports
China economic focus May 2024: how to resolve excess supply
China is at the bottom of a business cycle with excess supply arising from overinvestment since 2016. However, the manufacturing and construction s...
China economic focus April 2024: what does a strong Q1 mean?
The Chinese economy grew by 5.3% year-on-year in Q1 2024, a surprise to the upside. Better-than-expected industrial activity was the main reason fo...
Global economic outlook Q1 2024: maintaining momentum
The global economy surprised to the upside in 2023. After a soft start to 2024, we forecast the global economy to grow at a decent clip again this ...
China economic focus August 2024: countering declining population
In the August China economic focus, we discuss China’s declining population and the government’s efforts to limit its impact on economic growth. Sl...
China economic focus June 2024: challenges to car exports
China’s electric vehicle exports face rising trade barriers worldwide. The EU, US, Brazil and Turkey all added tariffs on EVs from China in 2023 an...
Global inflation outlook Q2 2023
Wood Mackenzie forecasts annual real GDP (constant 2015 US$) and GDP growth to the year 2050 by country for the world. Forecasts are updated on a q...
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