North America outlook reports

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North America outlook reports

Commodity Market Report

North America coal short-term outlook October 2023

Like every other month this year, October coal-fired generation was the lowest for the month in over a decade. Overall, 2023 is on pace to post the...

Commodity Market Report

North America product markets short-term outlook December 2023

This monthly update incorporates price forecasts and differentials, crude runs, refining margins and product-by-product supply-demand balances thro...

Commodity Market Report

North America Crude Markets short-term outlook: November 2023

TMX has hit new hurdles with the finish line in sight. While Trans Mountain appears to be making quick progress on the recently approved re-route s...

Commodity Market Report

North America Crude Markets short-term outlook: October 2023

In late September, Cushing storage levels dropped within ~1 million b/d of the operational floor following months of steep drawdowns. While Cushing...

Commodity Market Report

North America gas short-term outlook: Henry Hub generates support while Waha falls into an abyss

Despite significant supply curtailments, the US lower 48 working gas storage overhang has failed to decline much. Mild weather and US LNG underperf...

Commodity Market Report

North America Crude Market 10-year investment horizon outlook 2023

Converging themes in the US shale patch are echoing through the entire North American crude value chain in our latest outlook, including notable sh...

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