Oil & gas industry outlook reports

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Oil and natural gas outlook reports

Commodity Market Report

Southern Cone gas and power short-term outlook: February

The gas and power markets in the Southern Cone have seen a stagnation of market conditions in February. In Brazil, the improved hydrology condition...

Commodity Market Report

North America gas weekly update: A colder close out to the winter

After momentarily falling under $2/mmbtu, prompt month Henry Hub gas prices have recovered near $2.75/mmbtu. A weather pattern change expected to b...

Commodity Market Report

Europe gas and power markets short-term outlook Q1 2023

European gas markets are having a safer start for 2023. A warm winter and price-driven demand response lead Europe to end winter with almost 50% st...


Ethane prices almost double in two weeks but why?

Ethane has been the talk of the town this week. Mont Belvieu ethane prices have gained 16.0 c/gal since July 1 and closed at 39.8 c/gal on July 18....


Webinar l Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) and shifting South Atlantic gas price dynamics

This time last year, Transco pipeline maintenance ahead of a significant early summer heatwave would result in one of the most memorable South Atla...

Commodity Market Report

North America gas weekly update: Henry Hub searching for a gas price floor

Henry Hub gas prices continue their slide. Milder weather conditions expected throughout the rest of February have limited heating loads and hence ...

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