Benzene outlook reports

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Benzene outlook reports


Chemical solutions: can bioplastics improve the sustainability of the chemicals value chain?

Welcome to Chemical Solutions Insights series. In this series, Wood Mackenzie will assess the potential of key technological and material developme...


Enterprise Product Partners: midstream energy services provider diversifies into an olefins heavy hitter

The olefins industry in North America is experiencing a slowdown in capital investment, with 2022 marking the end of the second wave of ethane crac...


Webinar: Global olefins: analyzing the current investment cycle and path to 2050 for the global olefins industry

A structural landscape shift is unfolding in the global olefins market as the resilience and support observed through coronavirus, transition more ...


Webinar: is regionalisation the path forward for PX and PTA markets?

From the lockdowns in China to rising inflation and energy costs in Europe, crude prices volatility, and high ocean freight rates… All of these fac...


The imminent Asian olefins capacity wave

Asia will dominate olefins capacity growth through to 2025, with 2021-2022 being the peak year. In 2021 alone, China will add nearly 8 million tonn...


Coronavirus and polymers - highlight on PET resin

The world is different, now. The plastics industry was bright-eyed and optimistic heading in to the new decade. The protracted trade war between th...

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