Butadiene outlook reports
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Butadiene outlook reports
Global olefins: 6 key sensitivities to our supply outlook
Driven by ongoing coronavirus outbreaks, the Russia/Ukraine war, significant energy volatility, weakening macroeconomic indicators and constrained ...
The coronavirus and China's polyesters: an update
In January 2020, we discussed how the polyester industry in China has come under pressure due to the spread of the coronavirus in the country. Betw...
The global ethylene cost curve in a $100/bbl world
The recent rise in the oil price could lead to significant repercussions in the global petrochemicals industry. Brent crude oil has breached and is...
China to dent global polyester growth in 2020, but challenges surmountable
With 2019 being a year focused on meeting challenges, both real and perceived, many market players in the polyester chain seemed resigned to seeing...
EPL June 2018: 5 Key Aromatics Discussion Points
PCI Wood Mackenzie was delighted to participate in the June EPL (European Petrochemical Luncheon) earlier this month, held in Bratislava, Solvakia ...
EPL June 2018: 5 key olefins market discussion points
PCI Wood Mackenzie was delighted to participate in the June EPL (European Petrochemical Luncheon) held in Bratislava on the 14th and 15th June 2018...
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