Styrene outlook reports
Evaluate the short-term and long-term styrene outlook with industry-leading insights. Empower decisions in the petrochemicals market with trusted data and analysis. Our experts specialise in the global styrene outlook to guide your decision-making.
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Styrene outlook reports
Cross-polymer demand: introducing a new demand framework
A new forecasting approach is necessary. In this, the first of our cross-polymer insights, we proudly showcase our newly developed cross-polymer de...
Coronavirus and Petrochemicals – Impact on Global Ethylene Markets
Our polymer team examined the changes in demand due to the pandemic response for different polymer types. This insight assesses the impact of the p...
Coronavirus and polymers - a week in transition?
The world is different, now. The plastics industry was bright-eyed and optimistic heading in to the new decade. The protracted trade war between th...
European olefins: mid-year review and where do things go from here?
Following the uncertainty that came in the first half of 2020 with the global pandemic, the first half of 2021 has for most European olefins produc...
Propylene long-term service enhancements
We have made some significant enhancements to the recently published Propylene global supply demand analytics service – October 2020. This includes...
Webinar: Global benzene and styrene markets: new perspectives on overinvestments
While massive capacity expansions across the global benzene and styrene value chain are projected to deteriorate industry margins, recovering econo...
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