Coal power outlook reports
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Coal power outlook reports
Falling power prices: short-term changes and market implications
Power prices in Europe are falling and in this Insight we examine the impact of lower commodity prices on the short-term outlook. Given the present...
Webinar - Europe Power: the dimensions, characteristics and sensitivities of decarbonising markets
As the accelerated ambition of European energy policy is crystalised in revised National Energy and Climate Plans, we look at the challenges and op...
Europe gas and power markets short-term outlook Q1 2022
Military escalation in Ukraine is piling up pressure on a European gas market that was already going through the worst crisis on record. Recently, ...
European power volumes and prices: H1 2023 in review
Falling power prices were a standout feature of European markets in the first half of 2023 and can be attributed to the combined influences of the ...
Europe power long-term sensitivity: Impacts of wind and solar variability (May 23 base case)
This insight explores the "weather sensitivity" of the May 2023 long-term outlook for Europe’s major power markets. Against a background of sustain...
Europe power long-term sensitivity: Impacts of wind and solar variability (Nov 22 base case)
This ‘weather sensitivity’ case examines the impact of wind and solar variability on major power markets in Europe. The analysis adapts the assumpt...
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