Energy storage outlook reports

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Energy storage outlook reports


Implementing a Green New Deal: Lessons from 2018

The Green New Deal non-binding resolution was introduced in the US House of Representatives on February 7. Specifics remain unclear on several fron...


Insight from Vietnam Solar Expo 2019: Curtailment will remain a critical issue, but growth opportunities remain significant

The latest draft Feed-In-Tariff sets the FIT levels for the ground mount solar at 70.6 USD/MWh. This is a 24% decline from the last FIT, but we est...


Performance review: Nuclear, Fossil Fuels, and Renewables during the 2019 Polar Vortex

The extreme cold (Polar Vortex) event that hit the US during the last week of January 2019 was a good test of Midwest/Northeast power grid resilien...

Market Report

Non-Wires Alternatives Projects: Emerging Utility Revenue Sources for the Distributed Energy Market

This report provides an overview of the state of NWA projects and the key issues surrounding them. It examines regulatory incentives and how utilit...


Coronavirus impact to the wind energy supply chain

With the arrival of Q2 2020, we remain in the grip of the coronavirus pandemic. The fog of war has descended upon the wind sector, with business un...

Commodity Market Report

Coronavirus will disrupt ERCOT power markets for at least 18 months: ERCOT power and renewables March 2020 STO

The direct impact to the US economy and power markets from the coronavirus has become increasingly dramatic over the past month, and we project sig...

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