Gas and power outlook reports

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Gas power outlook reports

Commodity Market Report

Southern Cone gas and power short-term outlook: July 2023

Upon the expected conclusion of the Nestor Kirchner pipeline filling and the start of flows from Neuquen in August through that pipeline, combined ...

Commodity Market Report

Southern Cone gas and power short-term outlook: June 2023

Argentina accomplished an important milestone in June. The government started filling the first part of Nestor Kirchner pipeline on 20 June and exp...

Commodity Market Report

NYMEX sensitivity case developed from the Mexico gas, power and renewables Investment Horizon Outlook 2023

This “NYMEX” case represents the use of the New York Mercantile Exchange futures gas prices and its impact on our long-term outlook on Mexico’s pow...

Commodity Market Report

Europe gas and power markets short-term outlook Q2 2023

TTF prices have crashed to US$8/mmbtu, supported by a high storage fill and weak demand response. But contango prices for winter 2023 and the rest ...

Commodity Market Report

Southern Cone gas and power short-term outlook: May 2023

Hydrology conditions continue to have significant impact in the power sector for the countries in the Southern Cone, being an upside or a downside,...

Commodity Market Report

Southern Cone gas and power short-term outlook: April 2023

As winter approaches, the dynamics in the Southern Cone gas and power markets start changing. Higher gas demand will raise LNG dependency once agai...

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