Gas and power outlook reports

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Gas power outlook reports

Commodity Market Report

Southern Cone gas and power short-term outlook: November

Despite below-average long-term hydrology in Brazil this month, reservoir levels remained at favorable conditions, allowing system operators to kee...

Commodity Market Report

Weak natural gas prices drag down power prices: ERCOT power and renewables April 2023 short-term outlook

The combination of high natural gas prices and coal supply issues made 2022 a banner year for energy prices. Outside of CAISO, natural gas prices h...

Commodity Market Report

Weak natural gas prices drag down power prices: Northeast power and renewables April 2023 short-term outlook

The combination of high natural gas prices and coal supply issues made 2022 a banner year for energy prices. Outside of CAISO, natural gas prices h...

Commodity Market Report

Weak natural gas prices drag down power prices: WECC power and renewables April 2023 short-term outlook

The combination of high natural gas prices and coal supply issues made 2022 a banner year for energy prices. Outside of CAISO, natural gas prices h...

Commodity Market Report

Southern Cone gas and power short-term outlook: October

Gas and power markets in the Southern Cone can finally relax in 2022. While the end of the winter reduced the tightness of the Argentinian gas mark...

Commodity Market Report

NYMEX sensitivity case developed from the Mexico gas, power and renewables Investment Horizon Outlook 2022

This “NYMEX” case presents the use of the New York Mercantile Exchange futures gas prices and its impact on our long-term outlook on Mexico’s power...

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