Products & services

Europe Power Solutions

Identify new trading opportunities, optimise asset utilisation and assess market trends with trusted data.

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Dependable data delivered in real-time, day-ahead and intraday markets

Managing price volatility in power markets is tricky business, as impacts from weather, outages, and varying constraint patterns cause uncertainty. With our integrated platform, you can monitor current production levels, supply and demand, and price forecasting to accurately report and react to market changes as they happen.

For details on how your data is used and stored, see our Privacy Notice.
Electricity pylons at sunset, mountains are visible on the horizon.

Develop and elevate your trading strategies:

  • Gain insights on fundamental market drivers and impacts to support quick decisions and trading executions.
  • Examine power plant output using our vast sensor network that monitors the magnetic fields from the transmission lines to give your trades an advantage.

Observe power trends and pricing movements:

  • Run various market scenarios and get reliable price forecasting to support hedging and manage trading risks.
  • Determine which new outages will drive congestion, where and by how much to inform your trading strategies.

Our Europe Power Solutions products

Europe Power Solutions: Monitoring

Monitor, understand and leverage our proprietary data to follow power movements and trips to accurately strategise impact on real-time and day-ahead markets.

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Europe Power Solutions: Discover Germany

Gain access to our cutting-edge sensor network, ensuring continuous power generation and transmission monitoring across the grid, with actionable data delivered at one-minute intervals.

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Europe Power Solutions: Modelling

Create customisable scenarios in the day-ahead, year-ahead, or 30-year-ahead markets. Explore critical drivers such as demand forecasts, wind and solar production, commodity price development, new builds, or retirement of plants to make smart trading decisions.

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Monitor, understand and leverage our proprietary data to follow power movements and trips to accurately strategise impact on real-time and day-ahead markets.
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Gain access to our cutting-edge sensor network, ensuring continuous power generation and transmission monitoring across the grid, with actionable data delivered at one-minute intervals.

Create customisable scenarios in the day-ahead, year-ahead, or 30-year-ahead markets. Explore critical drivers such as demand forecasts, wind and solar production, commodity price development, new builds, or retirement of plants to make smart trading decisions.
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Contact an expert

Let Europe Power Solutions underpin your strategic trading decisions and provide actionable insights ahead of volatile power movements. Talk to us today.

For details on how your data is used and stored, see our Privacy Notice.
A group of smiling businesswomen in a meeting.