Power & Renewables Quarterly Partnership Reports
Welcome to our dedicated hub for the latest insights in P&R. Here, you can access the executive summaries of our quarterly reports developed in partnership with the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and the American Clean Power Association (ACP).
Power & Renewables Quarterly Partnership Reports
Welcome to our dedicated hub for the latest insights in P&R. Here, you can access the executive summaries of our quarterly reports developed in partnership with the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and the American Clean Power Association (ACP).
Discover the most comprehensive and insightful market reports in renewable energy, developed in partnership with the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and the American Clean Power Association (ACP). Our flagship reports—US Solar Market Insight, US Energy Storage Monitor, and Wind Energy Monitor—offer quarterly updates packed with granular data, expert forecasts, and in-depth analysis across the solar, energy storage, and wind sectors. Whether you’re seeking state-by-state breakdowns, market trends, policy impacts, or five-year growth projections, these reports are your ultimate resource for staying ahead in the rapidly evolving clean energy landscape. Explore the insights that power the industry and drive the future of renewable energy.
Power & Renewables Quarterly Reports
US Energy Storage Monitor: Q4 2024
Published by Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables and the American Clean Power Association, the US Energy Storage Monitor explores the breadth of the US energy storage market across the grid-scale, residential, and non-residential segments. This quarter's release includes an overview of new deployment data from Q3 2024, as well as a five-year market outlook by state out to 2028 for each segment. The report also includes key quarterly trends and analysis on impactful market regulation, policy, system prices, and supply chain across all segments.

Wind Energy Monitor: Q4 2024
This joint report with American Clean Power highlights market dynamics impacting the US onshore and offshore wind industries. The quarterly release includes a five-year look-ahead outlining expected capacity buildout, costs, supply chain, policy and investment, plus highlights and developments from the first three months of the year.

US Solar Market Insight: Q4 2024
US Solar Market Insight® is a quarterly publication of Wood Mackenzie and the SEIA®. Each quarter, we collect granular data on the US solar market from nearly 200 utilities, state agencies, installers, and manufacturers. This data provides the backbone of this US Solar Market Insight® report, in which we identify and analyze trends in US solar demand, manufacturing and pricing by state and market segment over the next five to ten years.

Explore our Power & Renewables full reports
We offer two versions of our reports to meet your needs: the Executive Summaries and the Full Reports.
The Quarterly Full Reports provide in-depth analysis of deployments, pricing, and market trends. Available for purchase individually or as part of an annual subscription
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US Energy storage monitor
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US Solar Market Insight
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