
How to navigate a licence round process

Discover the key elements of creating a successful licence round process

1 minute read

In this short video Juan Agudelo talks through some of the issues facing licence issuers and how careful planning can help mitigate many of these challenges.


To improve your chances of success we suggest following a structured licensing process, based on international industry best practices. Juan goes into detail on the three step approach taken by Wood Mackenzie when developing a structured licensing process. The three steps are:

  1. Planning and designing the round
  2. Promoting the round
  3. Executing the round

At the end of any licence round, we recommend reviewing the results so that learnings can be incorporated into future rounds. Learn more about developing an effective licensing round strategy  and what you should consider when setting up a licensing round

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If you want to ensure you are taking the right approach to planning, promoting or executing your licence round, fill out the form to talk to us about your licensing process.

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