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Renewed confidence in Asia Pacific’s upstream sector

2019 oil and gas outlook for Asia Pacific

1 minute read

Episode #12: Indonesia abuzz after giant discovery

In this week’s episode of Asia Pacific Energy Brief, Angus Rodger is joined by senior members of our APAC oil and gas upstream team, Andrew Harwood and Nicholas Browne, to tell us why there’s a renewed sense of confidence in the APAC upstream sector.

Angus picks his top themes to watch this year: how will volatile oil prices impact the region’s upstream industry? Is APAC set to benefit from the global LNG boom? With major presidential elections scheduled to take place this year in several countries, could we see a return to more investor-friendly policies in countries that favour resource nationalism?

A leaner and keener exploration industry is set to return to the region in 2019. Andrew picks out his top wells to watch, pinpointing 2019 as the year drillers will return to high impact exploration in APAC. This year could also be the year we find out more about China’s domestic gas resources, after oil majors ramped up drilling activity last year.

Australia’s year of change?