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Illegal capacity and pollution: two threats facing the Chinese aluminium industry

1 minute read

In April 2017, the Chinese government issued a directive that emphasised regulating smelters in China.

China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) released three lists naming companies/assets that have approved capacity. These lists show that China had 30 Mtpa of qualified or 'legal' smelting capacity in 2016. The remaining 11 Mtpa is from unqualified assets, some of the assets are still operating.

China qualified vs. unqualified smelter capacity by region

China has already begun to cut down on this 'illegal' production. To find out when, where and by how much, capacity, fill in out the form on this page to and download our latest China aluminium report.

Bauxite, Alumina and Aluminium Strategic Outlook
This Strategic Outlook is essential for any company considering an investment in the bauxite, alumina or primary aluminium sectors. Understanding of the raw material balances within the industry will help tohelps companies gain insight into both strategic priorities and the potential future moves from major industry players.

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