
Teaming up with CWC for the LNG and Gas Summit

1 minute read

We were delighted to participate as the Research Partner to CWC Japan LNG & Gas Summit in Tokyo last month.  We saw over 200 attendees, 9 sponsors and featured presentations from the Japanese Government, major Japanese LNG companies and several LNG suppliers.

Our team moderated two panel discussions, the first of which was the panel  on 'Supply & Demand: The Next Wave of LNG Suppliers and Buyers'. Thanasis Kofinakos, Consulting Director, also moderated 'Opening New Markets and Building New Demand in Asia'. Hide Kato, Head of our Tokyo office, chaired the second day of the conference.

The feeling in the room was one of tempered excitement as we discussed a range of issues.

The five big takeaways

  1. Emerging markets and sources of demand are becoming more important
  2. New forms of demand will develop such as LNG bunkering
  3. The market rebalance appears to be accelerating
  4. Flexibility in long-term contracts is improving
  5. Liquidity is still developing but optimisation is becoming more important

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As we transition into 2019, the mood in the LNG market is mixed. What will 2019 look like? Get our analysis here.

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